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Virtual Leadership from the Top

When we talk of healthy brains we automatically think of things like exercise and nutrition that I have covered at times here. But the thing we put into the brain most is oxygen. So, let’s have a quick look at how the air we breathe impacts brain performance . . .


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leadership brain magazine

Conspiracy Brains

Conspiracy Brains

Are the Brains of Conspiracy Theorists Wired Differently – or is it Just Exaggerated Natural Mechanisms at Work

​Reading time: about 20 minutes

Before the pandemic conspiracy theories, particularly in the USA were running at a high, or seemingly at least. These have increased with the pandemic fuelling many conspiracy theories many directly related to the pandemic. Some of these are bizarre to the extreme but even reasonable people seem to be falling for many of these theories – so just what is happening in the brains of these people and how can we explain this increase in conspiracies?

conspiracy brains

At the time of writing, in March 2021, conspiracy theories seem to have become mainstream particularly in the USA (admittedly they have always loved a conspiracy or two). But obviously also with the pandemic still raging, admittedly also fading, conspiracies have raised their ugly head again, from the origins of the virus, to the intention behind it. For example, a contact of mine on LinkedIn recently posted a link to an article suggesting that the virus was part of a conspiracy to bankrupt businesses to bring in an age of Marxism. Yup really, and yup, on LinkedIn which is normally a lot more reasonable and rational than say Facebook. I for the life of me can’t see why bankrupting restaurants and theatres and enabling banks and big tech to profit (i.e. hardcore capitalists) will ring in an age of Marxism.

But more worryingly than the odd conspiracy theorist on any social media channel, which have always existed, is the sheer scale and number of people involved in these, and that some of these seem to be going mainstream. Obviously social media has acted as a giant turbocharger for many of these, but people still have to believe in them and that’s what gets me interested. What is happening in these people’s heads? Are their brains different? Or are these just natural mechanisms at play? Much like obesity which is driven by a natural desire for high calorie food, which enables survival in the wild, but has tragic consequences in modern society with a surplus of cheap easily accessible high-calorie food.

The answer is there is a lot going on! So, let’s dive in, if you have a few minutes, and uncover exactly what is going on psychologically and biologically.

“And the things that correlated most strongly with conspiracy theories were things like believing in supernatural or paranormal phenomena and then that’s what got us interested in magical thinking and realizing that, oh well conspiracy theory seems to be similar to these things and it’s a form of magical thinking”

Surprisingly common

First off there are a lot of people who believe in conspiracy theories – most research say that at least 50% of the population of the US believes in at least one. And I confess I have believed in a few in my time but have become ever less conspiracy-like over the years as I have grown in wisdom (kind of) and been exposed to multiple experiences of how the world works and doesn’t and read wide and far on multiple topics – but especially on starting to understand complex system dynamics.

So, we can see that conspiracy theories are not uncommon – indeed they have always been a part of our daily lives. The question we can’t answer yet is are they becoming more extreme and irrational. JFK and Roswell are not that extreme. It’s is not that wild to think that there would be a secret plot to kill the president – many a president has been assassinated in the world. Similarly covering up UFOs is not such a wild concept. However, the current Q-Anon theory that democrats are run by a secret ring of paedophiliacs is bizarre to the extreme and stretches the imagination to extremes – who could actually think this up?!

This brings us on to another pretty obvious point.


When it comes to partisan issues, we are all much more conspiracy-minded than we might like to think. In the USA there are strong partisan divides on certain theories – the most obvious recent ones are that the US election in 2020 wasn’t fair (no surprise majority of Republicans believe this) and the extent of Russian influence in the 2016 election (no surprise Democrats overestimate this).

political brainSimilarly, go to any sports match and if the referee makes an unpopular decision against a team their fans will not take long to suggest that he was paid off by the opposing team or some variation of that. When things don’t go our way, we tend to see evil intentions and manipulative forces at play. But even here we could argue that that is only in some persons and in some sports. A point to note here is that these conspiracy theories vary in extremes. Believing that the oil industry is trying to sabotage green energy initiatives is probably reasonably close to the truth, believing that the world is led by a few super rich families further from the truth, believing that the earth is flat defies all sorts of logic and sensory input (you can see the earth’s curvature in a commercial airliner), and believing that the world’s elite are alien lizard creatures in human disguise requires extreme levels of fantastical thinking.

So, is there a conspiracy personality?

Well yes, and no. There are certainly plenty of personality traits that contribute to susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs. Let’s review the ones that researchers have uncovered before coming to some more recent research which has given us a better grip on this:

    • Low Sense of Control
      Those feeling less in control and normally of lower socioeconomic status tend to see wicked machinations of those higher up in society or in power. Moreover, Adam Galinsky showed that reducing people’s feeling of control in lab settings, increased their illusory pattern detection.
    • See world as bad place
      This is one that has been well-researched, and we go into more detail below. Obviously, you would need to see the world as a bad place to believe such conspiracy theories where people in general have negative motives rather than positive motives.
    • Detect agency
      They see agency, intentionality, in random patterns or complex systems.
    • (Illusory) Pattern detection
      This has been well-researched, see later, and is a common theme amongst conspiracy theorists reporting on seeing patterns in all sorts of random events. An article on the New York Times reports on Q-Anon believer who describes herself as excellent at seeing patterns.
    • Less analytical
      This may be obvious as analytical thinkers may more readily see their own logical fallacies.
    • Rely on heuristics
      Heuristics are our brain’s short cuts to making decisions. These rely on simple but often over-simple mechanisms and are the roots of many of our biases.
    • Religious worldviews
      Religiosity has many facets that could contribute to conspiracy theories – beliefs in invisible forces, things happen for a reason, for example.
    • Bullshit receptivity
      Well I just love this term and that researchers do us this as a term in academic papers. Yup, good ‘ole gullibility.
    • Inferred motives /meaning
      This is similar to some of the above but refers to seeing or reading motives into people’s actions and events in the world. Sometimes also called false attribution – notable is that drinking alcohol leads to some people increasing their false attributions, seeing intentionality in random events such as accidentally bumping into people (and yes, that was actually one experiment by researchers).
    • Pessimistic
      Yes, having a pessimistic outlook on life seems to also increase susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs – probably related to some of the above and seeing the negative and malicious in events.
    • Schizotypy
      Schizotypy is not to be confused with schizophrenia (but this falls on the extreme end of this cluster) but is a term to describe a cluster of traits which include many of the above and notably seeing the world as a negative, malicious place and that people have malicious intentions. It is also characterised by a reduced ability to feel pleasure, a vivid imagination, and cognitive slippage – making random connections between events.
    • Lonely
      Being lonely has also been seen to correlate with conspiracy beliefs, what is not clear is whether it is loneliness itself or the traits that lead to loneliness contributing to conspiracy beliefs. It would also be easy to surmise that being lonely and hence distant to social interactions can lead to seeing the world as more negative and also having a lack of control as already outlined above.
    • Anxious Attachment
      This is one that has received relatively little attention and one that I had surmised could be involved and a paper in 2018 by Green and Douglas indeed showed a correlation to attachment styles (how we build relationships and bond with others). It was only the anxious style that showed increased propensity for conspiracy beliefs which seems logical – anxiousness leading to distrust.
    • Ambiguity intolerance
      The ability to deal with ambiguous situations seems to mitigate belief in conspiracy theories – it seems like conspiracy theorists cannot tolerate an ambiguous situation and therefore switch to a version of what happens – even if logically unbelievable.
    • Being inauthentic
      This is a recent piece of research (2020) and little known, but what Huang and Whitson showed is that being incongruent i.e. being forced to hide true emotions increased illusory pattern detection. Whether this is through cognitive load or increased stress is unclear but interesting, nevertheless.
    • Being female
      Sorry ladies, you came out on top when I reviewed team intelligence (lbR-2021-01) and your contributions to this, but you come out worse here. Yes, some research has shown that more women than men believe in conspiracy theories.
    • Believing in another conspiracy
      Probably obvious but if you believe in one, you likely believe in many. This is the strongest predictor for conspiracy beliefs because it shows you have a conspiracy worldview.

conspiracy brain

So, these are the traits and personality types that are more susceptible to believing in conspiracy theories. We can also see that many of the above are interrelated. So, is there anything that is more significant than others?

This was what Joshua Hart and Molly Graether set out to answer in 2018. They did note that many of these above-mentioned personality dispositions seem to operate independently and additively so multiple traits contribute to susceptibility and beliefs. But there were two that jumped out as being particularly and strongly significant. Schizotypy and Pattern Detection.


Hart and Graether found that schizotypy had the strongest correlation to conspiracy beliefs and not pattern detection as many other researchers have pointed out, see below. This seem to be because this negative view of the world sees malicious intentions in multiple places and therefore many events can easily be interpreted as conspiracies.

Pattern Detection / Apophenia

Pattern detection has been outlined by multiple researchers as contributing to conspiracy beliefs. Apophenia is term that was coined by Swiss researcher Brugger at the start of the noughties in his research into paranormal beliefs and basically refers to pattern detection – or better formulated – illusory pattern detection. It is of interest because Brugger did a block of intensive research on this and also more interestingly for us, on the brain itself rather than just the psychological manifestations, and this has given us some clues as to the brains of those susceptible to belief in the paranormal, conspiracies, but also links to schizophrenia and hallucinations.

conspiracy brain

Into the brain

So the question now to ask is what is happening in the brain and do we have any evidence that the brain of conspiracy theorists is different?

The role of hemispheres: the first is a relatively simple but fascinating experiment. This was done by showing configurations of dots to participants but in this case presenting them to one hemisphere or another by only presenting them to one eye at a time. As I am sure you know, the hemispheres are actually “switched”, the right hemisphere processes input and output to the left side of the body and the left hemisphere to the right side of the body. Therefore, the researchers presented these patterns of dots to the right eye only, i.e. the left hemisphere, or to the left eye only, i.e. the right hemisphere. And lo and behold it was only the right hemisphere that interpreted patterns in the dots. This would support what we know about the right hemisphere as the one that collates the bigger information and the left as being more focused on details.

This brings the concept of left/right brain personalities back up again – a simplistic version that people like myself do not like because it has so often been falsely over simplified. But at the same time, we do have two different hemispheres for a reason, and this points clearly that those with more active or relying more so on right hemisphere functions see more patterns than those who don’t.

The role of dopamine: dopamine is a key neurotransmitter and modulator in the brain and receives quite a lot of popular press because of its role in expectation and reward. But it is also involved in much more, notably attention (see article on attention in 2021-02) and motivation also. The fascinating thing is that Brugger measured higher levels of free dopamine in those most susceptible to paranormal beliefs. This points to dopamine’s role in attention and motivation and enables seeing things as important – hence random patterns can then become meaningful and important patterns through dopamine’s influence.

The role of fear: another factor that has been identified is fear of the unknown. We have spoken and will speak often of the impact of fear on the brain. Simply, put it ramps up activity in the amygdala, and reduces cognitive power, focuses attention, and drowns out other noise.

The role of emotions: whereas fear can stimulate propensity for believing conspiracies Kaplan et al. in 2016 showed higher activation of the amygdala, and insula, which we reviewed in last issue, and embodies emotion, of people more resistant to changing their beliefs in the face of evidence.

Attention and confirmation bias: when we spoke about attention and reflection in lbR-20021-02 we spoke about 1. Turning up the volume but 2. Also turning down the noise. The brain uses these two mechanisms to keep attention focused. So, saliency of a pattern may increase the “volume” of this in the brain. This means increased attention but also the brain has others mechanism we outlined which turns down the volume of other stimuli – this means the brain does not hear or focus on other information and other information will be tuned out. The brain simply doesn’t respond to this. This is one of the mechanisms that confirmation bias operates which we will outline below – confirmation bias leads to a self-fulfilling loop of reinforcement for whatever theory an individual believes in.

Confirmation bias is the term of seeing those things you believe in and they then strengthen the case for your belief. This is controlled by the above mechanisms of attention I just outlined and is well-researched in the psychological literature. Once you believe in something, information that you come across that supports this will increase your belief, but you fail to notice evidence that counteracts your belief because the brain has turned down the volume. This leads to a self-fulfilling loop with only evidence processed that supports your theory and evidence that does not support your theory being ignored.

Confirmation bias is also the reason that more information does not help against conspiracy theories. Because of the flood of information, one’s brain only focuses on the information that one believes is correct – so more information means that there is also more false information and that each individual only follows their already formed biases.

Nature’s Mechanisms

So far, we can see that there are a bunch of mechanisms at play that influence a person’s susceptibility to conspiracy theories. Notably schizotypy, pattern detection, and certain brain functions such as right hemisphere overactivation and free dopamine. The question we haven’t asked is how much natural mechanisms contribute to this? Pattern detection after all is not a strange phenomenon in conspiracy theories, pattern detection is a key human skill to be able to identify patterns in the environment and hence respond to them and make better predictions. Let’s review a few of them:

Identifying causal effects is what human beings are exceptionally good at and this is one feature of our cognitive abilities that is way more advanced than any other animal. Though some animals can identify causative effects at rudimentary levels e.g. push lever to get food. We can see causative chains from mechanical inputs, to social manipulation. In contrast we are generally bad at understanding non-causative effects in complex dynamic systems.

Pattern detection
Above we spoke about pattern detection as being highly significant in predicting conspiracy beliefs but the problem here is that pattern prediction is also a sign of advanced cognitive abilities. For example, chess players are highly skilled at spotting patterns and what these mean. Indeed, many cognitive tests ask you to identify patterns in strings of numbers and letters. So, it is clear that pattern detection is a highly developed human ability but in overdrive it sees patterns when there is none – I would argue an even higher cognitive ability is the ability to understand randomness.

Cognitive ease
Cognitive ease, often also called cognitive miserliness in the research, is the fact that we tend to also want to save on cognitive resources so take the easy answer and avoid thinking too much about certain situations and contexts. When we have found a solution, we often refrain from applying more resources to this – this is energetic and effortful and the body is designed to save energy where possible.

Social manipulation
Social manipulation is a core of many conspiracy theories and we seem to be highly sensitive to this. This is because we are a tribal group living species and so are sensitive to individuals trying to manipulate the system for their own good. All cultures have developed mechanisms with which to control this, which include shaming, society norms, punishment, gossip, etc. Being sceptical to people’s intentions is probably a good thing to have.

This is not always mentioned in work on conspiracy theories but as we noted research into paranormal beliefs, relates strongly to conspiracy beliefs. The fact is we do have an ability to project, imagine, and fantasise and this advanced cognitive ability has many upsides but also when overly active can lead to imagining things that are not real. Arguably in some cases, it can be not being able to project or use our imagination i.e. flat earth theory, not being able to imagine the earth could be round despite looking flat.

In-group / Out-group
The in-group out-group concept is a big one in psychology and one of the strongest and most pervasive of our biases. We build in/out groups at the drop of a hat and this leads to preferential processing of the in-group and negative processing of the out-group (see de-humanisation). This is obvious in all walks of life, political affiliations, sports fans, racial grouping, male/female, nationalities, by city, you name it. We build in/out groups all the time. This leads to multiple negative knock-on effects such as enjoying seeing the out-group punished, increased empathy for the in-group, decreased empathy for the out-group, individualising of the in-group (he’s a lone wolf), generalisation for the out-group (typical, they’re all bad people).

One of the most tragic consequences of the in/out-group concept is that out group can be quickly dehumanised. We can see this in politics all the time – this also gives justification for punishing the out-group or having them suffer. They are seen more as animals. These out-groups are very common in conspiracy theories: “the elite” / “big corporations” / “jews” / “communists” / “liberals” / “the rich” / “the government”. This dehumanisation has gone so far to suggest that in one reasonably well-known theory that the world is run by alien lizard creatures disguised as humans (not even sure why they would bother doing this).

nature brain

A good dosage of truth

Ok so far, we’ve taken a good dive into conspiracy personalities. But let’s also understand the conspiracy theories themselves. Here I think it is important to categorise conspiracy theories. I think in three broad levels:

    1. Ones that could be feasible (rich family manipulating the president)
    2. One’s that are clearly disprovable (flat earth)
    3. The wild ones (world run by alien lizards disguised as humans).

Researchers haven’t categorised conspiracies into such categories which is a shame because this helps us sort out some of the weirder stuff vs. what can be more understandable. Understandable because there is a dose, and sometimes a very good dose, of truth in some of these conspiracy theories.

The dose of truth is that people do try to influence others and that powerful consortiums do aim to take over power in a country and manipulate the world around us. Recently in the world the military has staged a coup in Myanmar, China has cracked down on democracy in Hong Kong, Fox News has repeatedly repeated lies about a stolen election in the USA, a Guardian journalist was murdered by the Saudi Government (and FBI reports showed this came from the top), and an investigative journalist uncovered financial manipulations and was murdered in Malta. This is not a sprinkling of truth, each of these are conspiracies which turned out to be true. Completely true. Similarly, if we go back, we have Watergate, the Tobacco industry fighting and covering up with multiple malicious methods the harm caused by tobacco, and the list goes on, and on.

Where does this leave us? Powerful groups with strong self-interests do try to manipulate the system. There are political alliances and attempts to take on power. So, how can we know the truth?! Well, a grounded but knowledgeable view of the world enables us to create reasonably realistic picture from evidence and/or by having a deeper knowledge of the system. Generally speaking, the larger the system and the more complex it is, the harder it is to influence. Western democracies are much harder to manipulate than certain other autocratically run countries. Similarly, complex systems such as the medical industry are more complex than many assume – it is not that medical companies do not try to influence the system but those that know how the industry works know that the strict regulations successfully control the most manipulative practices.

conspiracy brainType 1 conspiracies are therefore founded on a smaller or larger dose of the truth, but the true conspiracy types are built on over ascribing agency to complex dynamic systems. These are forgivable mistakes and one that can be countered by logical argumentation over time. However, people often slip deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole starting with reasonable type 1 conspiracy theory and slipping into type 2 and then type 3, from which there may be a point of no return – read on to see why, these people may slip over the event horizon.

David Grimes, a physicist, did some cool mathematics in predicting how long it would be possible to keep a conspiracy covered up. The obvious should be noted is that conspiracies such as Watergate were uncovered so keeping conspiracies secret over time is very difficult – the flat earth theory would require millions of people (sailors, airline pilots, everyone at NASA, and every other space agency, GPS developers, cartographers, geophysicists, climate scientists, etc., etc., etc.) all keeping quiet all through their lives. So, the answer, yes it would be possible to keep a conspiracy covered up, if only a few people know, but this drops significantly, the more people are involved. A flat earth would be completely impossible. Amazingly impossibly so.

Oh, and don’t forget Hollywood!

So, we know that conspiracies do happen and that there are a bunch of natural mechanisms at play that lead us to preferentially see the malicious and negative because this is a more effective survival mechanism than not. But there is another factor at play that I have also not seen spoken about in the research and literature into conspiracy theories. And this is Hollywood – actually it is not just Hollywood but by this I mean the popular media which includes all the films, stories, and entertainment we are exposed to over our lives.

And when we look at these films, series, entertainment we see time and time again a simplistic view of how the world works and clear definitions of good guys and bad guys…mostly with evil conspiracy like attempts to take over the world. Any James Bond movie, spy thrillers, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, and the list could be literally almost endless.

We are exposed time and time and time again to simplistic models of truth and good, justice and evil, machinations of evil groups trying to take over the world, or a business, or a society. Again, I stress some of these are also reasonably realistic, and some even based on true stories such as Erina Brockovich but these are exceptions and also dramatized. On top of this we have the popular press reporting on simplistic versions and demonising or heroizing personalities day in and day out.

Therefore, we are bombarded by versions of conspiracy theories each day – in that light it is surprising that only 50% of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory.

But there is even more to building conspiracy theories and this is the reason why many conspiracy theorists won’t or cannot turn back – they do not get too far down the rabbit hole but something else happens that makes it extremely unlikely that they will return to the real world. Read on.


“Those with limited knowledge in a domain suffer a dual burden: Not only do they reach mistaken conclusions and make regrettable errors, but their incompetence robs them of the ability to realize it,”

The Dunning Kruger Effect

The Dunning Kruger effect is named after Cornell psychologists Richard Dunning and Justin Kruger who published a paper in 1999 “Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one’s own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments”. The title says it all, as does the quote above from this paper, but simply put, the less you know about a subject, often the more confident you are. The more you know about a subject the more complex you can see it is, and the lower your confidence – we all fall into this trap to a certain extent – it is also a common learning curve. When you start learning a subject you have some flashes of insight, but you don’t and can’t know how much you don’t know. The peak on the left in the diagram below often known as “Mount Stupid”. Conspiracy theorists sit firmly on Mount Stupid.

dunning kruger effect

Building a family and a worldview

The New York Times article I mentioned earlier, which chronicles the life of a female Q-Anon believer, is interesting because of a number of factors. One, we can clearly see many of the personality traits outlined previously but what is more interesting, and worrying in some ways, is the case of building support, building a family. When people enter into these forums they start building and supporting their biases and this become self-fulfilling. Confirmation bias on steroids, stuck in the so-called echo chamber. But more than that is they build a community, a sense of attachment and bonding to each other. This becomes a support community, and this magnifies the belief because now changing one’s belief also means losing a whole support community a very human desire – particularly for those lonely people we mentioned. One can feel more on control, the believer of secret information, boosting self-esteem, and certain knowledge of the world in these forums. Again, we can see our base theory of human behaviour, SCOAP clearly coming back into play.

Self-Esteem – people build their self-esteem by being privy to secret information that the mainstream can’t see

Control – this gives a sense of control but also a lack of control (and hence motivation)

Orientation – people build orientation mechanisms with which to give security to themselves and others

Attachment – people build relationships and support each other to give comfort

Pleasure – is built through multiple mechanisms, through the above, but also small bursts of dopamine when “understanding the truth”, support for one’s theories, and knowing that one is the holder of secret information

If anyone gets this deep into the rabbit hole it is very difficult to bring them back. Their whole worldview will be built and supported by these beliefs, fed but their whole sense of self, and community also. Changing personal belief means a complete removal from this whole life system – hence the difficulties. Obviously, some of these theories will wane, develop, and frizzle out with time, but some will continue, or evolve into ever more complex and weird theories.

Conspiracy theorists have also, by the way, been shown to prefer uniqueness. That is the weirder or more selective the theory, the more likely they are to believe it – I see this as similar to being inducted into a secret group with secretive knowledge of the deeper “truth”. A powerful mechanism and attraction.

Pandemic and stress will make it worse

We have noted in other places how stress impacts the brain notably in how people behave and respond to the pandemic such as in last month’s “Shoot the Messenger” (lbR-2021-02). Simply put, if we look at our list of personality traits, or contributing factors to conspiracy theories, we can see that losing sense of agency will likely increase propensity to believe in conspiracy theories – this is precisely what has happened during this pandemic – it is out of our control.

Similarly, that the virus was developed in a lab in China combines multiple cognitive biases: out-group, negativity towards China, worldview of manipulative scientists. Geneticists who immediately decoded the genome of the virus know differently. This is the Dunning Kruger Effect at play – the specialist can read the genetic code and have followed its development and can through complex methods trace back its origins – but to many mere mortals with oversimplified views of the power of scientists the lab theory would seem reasonable (and by the way, why would these super smart scientists consider developing a virus that seems to disproportionally kill old people and those with pre-existing conditions).

Similarly, the effects of stress increase emotionality and shut down cognitive centres leading to increased propensity to irrational explanations. General distrust in government will also promote conspiracy thinking. 

Yeah, yeah, but what can we do about it?

So obviously this has given us the data to show who is most susceptible to conspiracy theories and the natural mechanisms in the human brain that enable this, but can we do anything about it and is there any evidence to back this up? Well yes there is:

  • Take action in personal lives – this may seem like a simple unrelated action, but some research has shown this. It increases one’s own self-efficacy, sense of control and agency. This then mitigates some of these factors that contribute to conspiracy theories. It is also no surprise that people who are in tough uncontrollable situations are more likely to fall prey into conspiracy theories.
  • Personal stories – many conspiracy theories are built on anecdotes; the classic is the hobby scientist who is targeted by the pharmaceutical industry. If you can counter this with either good data or other personal stories, for example the small companies you know that have successfully developed drugs that undermine the big companies, this can reduce resistance. Do a google search for life science startups and you can see hundreds and thousands of companies that are challenging mainstream companies without being raided.
  • Inconsistencies – in some conspiracy theories inconsistencies can be pointed out. It is good to point these out in a non-threating way to avoid defensiveness. Many conspiracy theories believe in inconsistent theories, for example, 5G antennas cause the coronavirus but also that the corona virus was developed in a lab in China. Gently ask them which theory is the one they believe in because they are inconsistent with each other. Preferentially relate to a simpler analogy that they can understand.
  • Dunning Krueger effect – highlight the Dunning Kruger Effect. When I enter into discussions into the pharmaceutical industry, I ask those who appear less informed what they know about the regulations and reporting requirements and how these function – normally to a blank look. Outline the complexities of this – but I also admit pharmaceutical companies are not always angelic either.
  • Outreach communication – this is an important one, many industries have bad outreach communication. At least to the general public. For example, in the development of the vaccine for coronavirus there was lots of reports in the scientific press, it was flooded as was the general scientific press. But how many clearly communicated and explanatory articles, video, cartoons, popular personalities giving succinct and well communicated descriptions. The answer is not enough. Something like the pandemic requires masses of simple clear communication. The same applies in all areas of science. Science has become ever more complex and sometimes the disconnect between the science and the general public, even the educated public is large. I know, I sit in this space.
  • Involvement – getting involved with the community or in certain initiatives helps to increase self-efficacy and build connections. This can increase self-efficacy mentioned above, reduce loneliness, and give exposure to different viewpoints and personalities avoiding echo chambers.
  • Show fake news tricks – research has shown that highlighting the tricks of misinformation and fake news, for example, over emotionalising single cases, makes people more immune to the effects and more rational in their thinking.
  • Good news – in a world full of negative news, fear is high, acerbating the effects of negative emotionality and propensity for belief in conspiracies. A recent report on Covid19 news shows that there is a negative bias in reporting – something that has been observed in general in the news. Reporting on good stories shows us the world is in better shape than we may assume something Steven Pinker is often happy to point out.
  • Education – teaching kids about fake news is a good thing and indeed some programmes have started mostly dealing with college populations for example, “Calling Bullshit” at the University of Washington.
  • Into the lion’s den – Sunstein and Vermeule discuss strategies to counteract conspiracy theories in their 2009 paper and cite examples of “infiltration” into chat rooms to moderate and give alternative viewpoints. This is something that we can all contribute to gently nudging our conspiracy prone friends back towards reality and actively taking part in online discussion forums.

So, as we can see there is a lot going on – the conspiracy brain is a complex phenomenon. But we can sum it up with over-activation of natural mechanisms to detect patterns combined with negative worldview particularly if you are low on sense of control and have distance to power. Partisanship will colour the direction of this – but if you build a family with your conspiracies you may get stuck down the rabbit hole and never come out and that is a shame. Recessions, and crises will make these worse because control and orientation is lost to many.

However, if we can build a sense of control, create greater involvement for society, have better education and outreach programmes, and enable greater portions of society to be active in society, this will help to mitigate the worst excesses of conspiracy theories, however we are fighting a battle with the turbocharger of conspiracy theories: social media and the internet. And my, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had responsible politicians who communicated clearly and in a unified way (alas now THAT is wishful thinking). I’m not sure whether I should be optimist or pessimistic, but I suppose if I were more pessimistic my chances of being a conspiracy theorist would be higher – and I’m not. So, let’s hope this will improve over time

Pinker on realistic optimism:



Personality & Psychology

Andrade, G. (2020). Medical conspiracy theories: cognitive science and implications for ethics. Med. Heal. Care Philos. 23, 505–518. doi:10.1007/s11019-020-09951-6.

Douglas, K. M., Sutton, R. M., and Cichocka, A. (2017). The psychology of conspiracy theories. Curr. Dir. Psychol. Sci. doi:10.1177/0963721417718261.

Green, R., and Douglas, K. M. (2018). Anxious attachment and belief in conspiracy theories. Pers. Individ. Dif. 125. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.12.023.

Grimes, D. R. (2016). On the viability of conspiratorial beliefs. PLoS One 11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147905.

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Neural correlates

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Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U. K. H., and Cook, J. (2017). Beyond Misinformation: Understanding and Coping with the “Post-Truth” Era. J. Appl. Res. Mem. Cogn. 6. doi:10.1016/j.jarmac.2017.07.008.

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The (un)Happy Productive Brain

The (un)Happy Productive Brain

. . .


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leadership brain magazine

Of Carrots and Sticks

Of Carrots and Sticks

Just what does motivate individuals to perform

Reading time: about 10 minutes

Over the years there have been many proposals for rewarding and punishing, or not punishing behaviours. The current trend is to nudge people in the right direction – but this fails to account for deeply inbuilt personality types and subsequent different brain functioning. Let’s review how rewards and punishment drive motivation and behaviour.

motivation brain

Old logic sees punishment as motivation. Good ‘ole school systems used this: strict rules and give anyone who diverges of the righteous path a good beating. That will see them right. I grew up in Britain which still had the cane (a thin stick) as a punishment in schools – it was finally abolished when I was 14, but not after my brother and been given a good whipping at school. To be honest that didn’t bother him so much, it was a badge of honour in a boy’s school – the proverbial beating my mother gave him was much worse (she was a teacher to boot).

So, we see this pattern in society of severe punishment and this has slowly moderated over the centuries and recent decades. Now governments are using nudges and rewards to get people to behave in the right way. David Rock well known for coining term, neuroleadership, claims reward is the only path forward. Smacks of operant conditioning to me – was Skinner right all along? Doubtful – the brain, as always, will give us some answers.

The answers we need to first ask is that of motivation itself – if reward and punishment are seen as the means to an end i.e. a positive or effective behaviour, then we need to understand how the brain gets itself motivated. The research into motivation is long and complex and will break your patience for the moment, and break the page count for this issue, as interested as you may be. Short advertising interlude: We do give a short but comprehensive overview in our Brain and Behaviour Online courses. Interlude finished. Motivational research can be broken down into what (content theories) and how (process theories). But of most interest to us is the concept of approach and avoidance.

Approach and Avoidance

These are two motivational patterns well researched but of critical significance and still somewhat underrated in motivational research. Indeed, Elliot and Covington noted in an excellent, and still relevant, 2001 review that:

“… it is clear that the distinction between approach and avoidance motivation has deep and widespread intellectual roots, represents a part of the evolutionary heritage that humans share with organisms across the phylogenetic spectrum, is instigated immediately and automatically in response to most if not all stimuli humans encounter, is grounded in the basic neuroanatomical structures of the brain, and concords with the intuitively based knowledge of how humans are motivated in their daily lives.”

And go on to state:

“As such it is surprising that in much contemporary empirical and theoretical work on motivational issues, the approach-avoidance distinction is either overshadowed or overlooked altogether.”

To clarify, approach motivation is about moving towards, to achieve, to get something, and is reward driven. In our analogy it is the carrot. Avoidance motivation is about moving away from, protecting or fighting, it is the fear-based aversive form of motivation. In our analogy the stick – avoidance of punishment.

These two operate often in tandem – consider sporting teams who have a desire to win but also a desire not to lose. Both motivational directions are present. There is a tendency to see one as better than the other, but the fact remains that these are naturally present in all living organisms, so it is hard to justify one as being better than another – they are effective survival strategies which have been effective since the beginning of life and enabled all life forms to successfully propagate across the planet.

So now we have the motivational terminology for our carrots and sticks: approach and avoidance, let’s take a dive into the brain and see what this says about these forms of motivation before reviewing what this means for individuals, teams, and motivational strategies in, and out, of the workplace.

The Brain and Approach/Avoidance

Research and brain scanning has shown approach is related to reward centres in the brain and avoidance is associated with fear/ threat mechanisms:

motivation brain

Regions for approach in green, avoidance in red, and both in pink

  • Approach: ventral striatum (reward)
  • Avoidance: amygdala, thalamus, insula (fear & threat)

Aupperle & Paulus in 2010 showed that the orbitofrontal cortex is involved with balancing these inputs. No surprise as the orbitofrontal is considered one of the main decision-making centres particularly for those decisions with emotional input.

  • Orbital frontal cortex as decision making with inputs from ventral striatum modulating approach and inputs from Amygdala and Insula modulating avoidance
  • Dysfunction of respective networks could predict susceptibility to specific anxiety disorders

Spielberg et al. in 2009 found that there were hierarchical networks to do with planning and carrying out strategies and that these were hemisphere dependent. Planning being further forward in the brain – which would be expected as a more “frontal” function.

  • Hierarchical networks
  • System input from limbic regions and strategic integration at cortical levels
  • Left frontal processes achieve goals / right frontal avoidance goals
motivation brain

Hierarchical processing for approach in left hemisphere and avoidance in right hemisphere

So far so good. We can see that approach motivation is reward driven and related to reward centres in the brain, and that avoidance motivation is fear and threat driven, and related to respective centres in the brain. We can also see that for planning and implementation these use different centres in the brain, and these are located in the left hemispheres for approach strategizing and the right for avoidance strategizing and planning. One side effect of this different processing in different centres is that this can cause motivational conflict – reward centres may need to fight it out with fear centres and approach and avoidance strategies can both be present in both our hemispheres. This is something we all have experienced – that tough decision when we are not sure if the upsides outweigh the downsides. This is our orbitofrontal cortex working hard and trying to figure out which one to choose.

What is also clear is that they both are natural mechanisms which are present to some degree in all human beings. But the question you may want an answer to is do these differ in human beings and if so how?


The short answer is, of course. These can be considered personality traits as much as evolutionary-based strategies. Some people will be more avoidance focused and others more approach focused. In personality this was first ascribed to the concept of extraversion and introversion particularly in social contexts. The extravert attracted towards, approach, social stimuli, and the introvert, avoiding social stimuli. Extraverts are also more sensation seeking, attracted to more stimuli. Similarly, sensitivity people, previously called neurotics, tend to avoid stimuli and are more anxious, that is avoidant.

We have reviewed these personality traits to build our Human Behavioural Framework, and this is another discussion for another day, but of interest are the psychometric scales designed to measure specifically measure approach and avoidance. The best known of these is the Behavioural Activation System and Behavioural Inhibition System Scale (BIS/BAS) developed by Carver at the University of Miami. These therefore measure trait approach/avoidance rather than strategic or situational approach or avoidance.

The research shows that there are three subgroups of approach motivation:

    1. Drive – achievement focus
    2. Fun
    3. Reward sensitivity

But now back to the workplace and the question of carrots and sticks. What does this tell us about reward and punishment? Firstly, it says that different individuals will respond and be motivated by different stimuli. Those high on BAS will respond stronger to rewards and stimulation. Those higher in BIS respond stronger to sticks. Though this may sound like I am suggesting that we just threaten and beat those high on traits BIS this is not true. These people will respond and do respond and see the downside or risk whether you like it or not. Interestingly they also respond strongly, according to other research, to safety – these are the people who need high safety to perform best because their threat-based systems, though causing action, will not enable them to function to their best.

No surprise that we come back to the concept of psychological safety that we have spoken about in other articles. The other important point being that those higher on BIS will not respond strongly to rewards – carrots don’t work as well with these people.

This points therefore to a more refined strategy of motivating individuals. Or rather the concepts of carrots and sticks works on average across a large population group because in a large population group there will likely be a balance of those more driven by reward and those more driven by inhibition. But the problem is that there will be large variations between individuals. This is therefore why knowing your people is critical to getting the highest performance.

Approach individuals, driven by reward and achievement, work well with stretch goals, rewards of different types, are not so fearful and so can manage pressure well.

fear motivation brain

Pictures like this have been shown to activate threat centres in the brain.

This simply means that team leaders will need to understand the individuals in their team to get the best out of them. Indeed, in our model of leadership this is precisely the role of the team leader – to understand the individuals in the team and to get the best out of them. This may mean taking a different approach with different individuals. Giving the sensitive individual safety, and giving the achievement individuals stretch, and some pressure, but appreciating them both, and managing effectively the contribution of all (see our article on Issue 2021-01 on team performance).Avoidance individuals, driven by fear and safety, work better in safe environments, are driven by fear but this can cause high anxiety and disruptions. They are less responsive to rewards.

A final note is that of short-term reward and short-term punishment. Short-term spontaneous rewards are very activating for the brain reward system. It’s simply an expectation thing – if you have an expected reward the brain responds very weakly to the reward – if you get an unexpected reward the brain responds very highly because it’s a surprise. So small, unexpected rewards are highly effective means of creating positive motivating effects. In financial terms a few small $50 rewards can be more effective than a yearly expected $5’000 reward – surprising but true. So spread your carrots out.

In contrast, short-term spontaneous punishment creates disruption, feelings of unfairness (which are very powerful in terms of motivation – equity theory), and disrupts orientation mechanisms. Punishment has to be clear: what it is for, why, and dealt out fairly. Simply put, there should, and must be, consequences to bad behaviour and violations of norms. But these should be rare – the punishment framework is a set of guidelines that people should avoid.

Psychological (and biological) punishment

Punishment from the brain’s perspective, however, comes in others forms, namely that of needs violation. Those of you inducted into SCOAP know that these five needs of Self-esteem, Control, Orientation, Attachment, and Pleasure form the basis of human beings. Leaders and those in authority often punish not intentionally, but often inadvertently in the form of needs violations: over criticism, putting people down, taking away control, or minimising pleasure. These are all actions that can be considered punishment from the brain’s perspective but are often not considered “formal” punishment. The seriousness of needs violation is supported by well-documented biological impacts, the first of which is increased stress, cortisol release (and whole set of behavioural changes and limitation of cognitive abilities), and the worst of which, over time, and if severe enough, are disrupted neuronal growth, and destruction of brain matter.

When I speak to business leaders about this they feel that they can no longer criticise people – I stress this is not about not focusing on performance issues. If someone underperforms, inform them quickly, respectfully, on precisely what, and enable them to perform better next time. Note, in addition, that some research has shown that confident people respond well to positive feedback but minimise negative feedback. Alternately those lower in confidence focus more on the negative feedback intended or not. That could be the subject for another article. This means that you may need to rebalance your feedback to individuals depending on their confidence and self-esteem ratings.

Stretch as a better predictor?

In developing our Human Behavioural Framework, we included many aspects – but as proposed by Carver, we see Behavioural Activation and Behavioural Inhibition as foundational personality traits that guide a lot of human behaviour. We therefore measure BAS/BIS using items from the BAS/BIS scale. This is not the same as the way we measured emotional responses to needs in the SCOAP-Profile as outlined above.

In a group of high-performing teachers one of the best predictors was not the height of these scales but the relationship. So, if BAS was higher than BIS it was a strong indicator of higher performance. These high-performing teachers were therefore less worried about negative affects, making mistakes, or failing. This is a similar pattern that we noticed in the corporate space also.

However, what is striking, and probably unsurprising, is the difference between start-ups and corporate leaders. We have a good set of data from startup founders and see that they are off the scale when to comes to BAS vs BIS. Their BAS ratings are very high, their BIS ratings are very low. Compare this to corporate leaders and we see these two converging – or even being reversed. This is interesting because some of these corporate leaders also claim to be “entrepreneurial” and suggest that their people or organisations should be more “entrepreneurial”.

 We therefore compare these two ratings together because this is more predictive and call this “Stretch”. This is more predictive of performance we see but also of agile mindsets as outlined in article on agility.


Let’s summarise

Carrots – reward

  • Small spontaneous rewards are very effective and underused in the corporate world
  • Reward is particularly motivating for BAS (achievement focused individuals)
  • Emotional needs fulfilment is the most critical aspect of deep reward (Self-Esteem, Control, Orientation, Attachment, and Pleasure). So, doing more of the cheap but important stuff like showing appreciation is more important than many assume.
  • Large short-term rewards can increase stress and therefore decrease performance.
  • Large long-term rewards with enough planning and preparation time normally increases quality and motivation.
  • Creating a safe environment is critical for everyone but particularly for BIS (inhibition focused) individuals.
  • A safe environment means a place where everyone can fulfil their needs, not feel threatened, and not have their needs violated or damaged by other team members.

Sticks – punishment

  • Rather than punishment, think of requirements and guidelines
  • Bad behaviour must be dealt with immediately and fairly
  • Bad performance requires clear immediate feedback and enablement. Criticize the task and not the person.
  • With confident people, they will minimize the negative feedback and focus on the positive (you may need to re-address the balance).
  • Less confident people will maximise the negative feedback, and minimise positive. Focus on task and enabling the person.
  • Short-term threats increase stress and reduce cognitive ability and normally reduce performance
  • Shock effects only work when everyone has become complacent (how did you let it get this way in the first place?).
  • Be careful of inadvertently punishing people by violating their SCOAP needs.

So, in short, the answer is, as usual, there is a bit of truth in the classic statement of using carrots and sticks but a careful review shows why and in what people. In team leadership it is therefore critical to know your people to enable high performance in the whole team. Carrots do work for the right people and some carrots are surprisingly effective but underused – the spontaneous small reward. Similarly, we should not think of punishing people but creating the guidelines for accepted behaviour and respond swiftly and appropriately when this is crossed – when it comes to performance issues, similarly a swift response, respecting the person and enabling high performance is critical. So, let’s call it carrots, fulfilling needs, and guidance

Relationship of BIS and BAS as a predictor of performance

When we first developed the SCOAP profile, we measured how much of something an individual wanted (in the SCOAP -Profile, the fulfilment of needs) and how negatively they responded to violation of a need. We initially predicated that high performers would be high on achievement (i.e. approach motivation or BAS). But we found that they were high on both. This indicates a high desire to win but a high desire not to lose at the same time. There are therefore two motivational drives that are guiding motivation.

When we compared this to a group of producers in a larger company, we saw significant differences in intensity of motivation and also height of both positive and negative – in fact standard or lower performers had a lower response to the negative. This could also be learned helplessness i.e. just being used to negativity.


Approach / Avoidance

Aupperle, R. L., and Paulus, M. P. (2010). Neural systems underlying approach and avoidance in anxiety disorders. Dialogues Clin. Neurosci. 12, 517–31.

Bartels, J. M., and Magun-Jackson, S. (2009). Approach-avoidance motivation and metacognitive self-regulation: The role of need for achievement and fear of failure. Learn. Individ. Differ. 19. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2009.03.008.

Carver, C. S. (2006). Approach, avoidance, and the self-regulation of affect and action. Motiv. Emot. 30, 105–110.

Corr, P. J., and McNaughton, N. (2012). Neuroscience and approach/avoidance personality traits: a two stage (valuation-motivation) approach. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 36, 2339–54. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2012.09.013.

Elliot, A. J., and Covington, M. V. (2001). Approach and Avoidance Motivation. Educ. Psychol. Rev. 13, 73–92.

Elliot, A. J. (2006). The Hierarchical Model of Approach-Avoidance Motivation. Motiv. Emot. 30, 111–116. doi:10.1007/s11031-006-9028-7.

Hamamura, T., and Heine, S. J. (2008). “Approach and avoidance motivation across cultures.,” in Handbook of approach and avoidance motivation, 557–570.

Spielberg, J. M., Miller, G. A., Warren, S. L., Engels, A. S., Crocker, L. D., Banich, M. T., et al. (2012). A brain network instantiating approach and avoidance motivation. Psychophysiology 49, 1200–1214.

Terry, W. S. (2010). A Demonstration of Approach and Avoidance Conflicts. Teach. Psychol. 37, 132–134. doi:10.1080/00986281003626888.


Reward Punishment

Fischbacher, U., Treyer, V., Schellhammer, M., Schnyder, U., Buck, A., and Fehr, E. (2009). Neuroscience: The Neural Basis of Altruistic Punishment. Science (80-. ). 305, 1254–1257.

Knoch, D., Gianotti, L. R., Baumgartner, T., and Fehr, E. (2010). A Neural Marker of Costly Punishment Behavior. Psychol. Sci. 21, 337–342.

Nakatani, Y., Matsumoto, Y., Mori, Y., Hirashima, D., Nishino, H., Arikawa, K., et al. (2009). Why the carrot is more effective than the stick: different dynamics of punishment memory and reward memory and its possible biological basis. Neurobiol. Learn. Mem. 92, 370–380.

Seymour, B., Singer, T., and Dolan, R. (2007). The neurobiology of punishment. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 8, 300–11.



Dickson, J. M. (2006). Perceived consequences underlying approach goals and avoidance goals in relation to anxiety. Pers. Individ. Dif. 41, 1527–1538.

Elliot, A. J., and Thrash, T. M. (2010). Approach and Avoidance Temperament as Basic Dimensions of Personality. J. Pers. 78, 865–906.

Strauman, T. J., and Wilson, W. A. (2010). “Individual differences in approach and avoidance: behavioral activation/inhibition and regulatory focus as distinct levels of analysis,” in Handbook of Personality and SelfRegulation, ed. R. H. Hoyle (Blackwell), 447–473.



Brown, J. D. (2010). High self-esteem buffers negative feedback: Once more with feeling. Cogn. Emot. 24, 1389–1404. doi:10.1080/02699930903504405.

Somerville, L. H., Kelley, W. M., and Heatherton, T. F. (2010). Self-esteem modulates medial prefrontal cortical responses to evaluative social feedback. Cereb. Cortex 20, 3005–3013.

Belschak, F. D., and Den Hartog, D. N. (2009). Consequences of positive and negative feedback: The impact on emotions and extra-role behaviors. Appl. Psychol. 58, 274–303.

And again: Overconfidently underthinking: narcissism negatively predicts cognitive reflection

This is the title of a 2020 paper relating cognitive reflection to other personality traits. This is well worth a read, but they measure multiple forms of cognition, reflection, various forms of narcissism, impulsiveness, and overconfidence. The big take away though was that those high in grandiose narcissism, claim to enjoy engaging in cognitive tasks, but are massively high on overconfidence, and show lower reflective abilities and insight.

So those arrogant individuals who have a high regard for themselves and their superiority will tend to fall into thinking traps more often but be overconfident in their abilities to avoid them and be unable to acknowledge and think through how they could have made a better decision. Many people in business reading this will be slowly nodding their heads having come across many people like this…

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J., and Risko, E. F. (2020). Overconfidently underthinking: narcissism negatively predicts cognitive reflection. Think. Reason. doi:10.1080/13546783.2019.1633404.

The Average Performers Who Enable High Performance

The Average Performers Who Enable High Performance

Reading time: about 12 minutes

Many sports coaches know it – there are some team members, who may be unspectacular, but the whole team just functions better with them. But no one knows how to measure it and big data is not helping – or is it?

high performance brain

The standard logic in business and sports is that to get high-performing teams you should hire a bunch of high-performing individuals or even stars. In the sports world we are fascinated by this with fantasy teams of the best-ever teams of the best-ever players.

But the problem is that team performance is more than just the sum of the parts. For those who are familiar with rugby, which may not be many of you, every four years there is what is known as the British and Irish Lions tour. This is an old tradition and is considered one of the pinnacles of a rugby career – to play for and win with the Lions or play against and beat the Lions. In some ways more important and illustrious than the more recently introduced World Cup.

The fascinating thing is that logically the British and Irish Lions should thrash any team they come across. The players are selected from four of the biggest and most talented rugby nations on the planet (England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland). So, picking the most talented players from a talent pool four times the size for any national team should provide an extremely talented team. And yet, despite this, the Lions winning against another national team is a big thing and far from a foregone conclusion.

They selectively tour one of the southern hemisphere countries: South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand. On balance their chance of winning is only about 50/50 probability similar to if any one of the national teams were to independently tour. What’s more, as part of the Lions tour, they also play club or provincial teams – teams a step down on the pecking order of a national team and yet, surprisingly, maybe, they do not win all the time, or rather, they lose regularly.

This shows that despite having rich pickings of talent from four elite national teams they do not necessarily perform better than any one national team and still fail to beat lowly club teams.

The question is why not, and what is the difference?

Another question is that of the unspectacular person on the team who somehow enables high team performance. In his insightful article ‘The No-Stats All-Star’ in The New York Times Magazine in 2009, Michael Lewis captured the essence of the problem. Writing about the US National Basketball Association (NBA) player Shane Battier, he notes:

Here we have a basketball mystery: a player is widely regarded inside the NBA as, at best, a replaceable cog in a machine driven by superstars. And yet every team he has ever played on has acquired some magical ability to win.

The above story of Battier is fascinating because he was consistently classed as an underperformer, and quoted as “at best a marginal N.B.A. player”. His stats on the things that N.B.A. teams measure such as points and rebounds, were terrible. On paper he was a massive underperformer, but somehow when he was on the field everyone else performed better. The article that the above quote is taken from goes into a lot more depth on the refinement of statistical approaches and under some of these characteristics, or rather, better forms of statistical analysis, Battier does show up. For example, the greatest players all under perform when guarded by Battier. This may makes good reading for another article on statistical analysis or what we quoted in the previous article of “you don’t get answers to questions you don’t ask” or my concept of non-information.

There are now a number of issues to approach in the above examples.

    • Groups of higher performers do not necessarily (and often don’t) make high performing teams.
    • And that unspectacular performers, to the external eye, and to most statistical analysis, can enable teams to perform much better.

The question now in business, is how can we identify these, and can we reward them also? Or simpler how can we put together high-performing teams. And more than that how do we define “talent”?

team performanceSome of the clues may come in series of experiments on creativity. Tom Wujec is well known for his Ted talk on creativity using spaghetti and a marshmallow (a fun activity by the way) – the short video is well worth watching. The insights from these tasks are worth paying attention to. Notable is that kindergarten children were very effective but took a completely different approach to problem solving – worth saving for future articles on creativity – MBA graduates were terrible, and CEOs were also unspectacular.

Now let’s assume for the sake of argument, and there could be a lot of argument, that CEO’s and MBA graduates represent “talent”. Now not strictly true as Tom noted, thankfully, architects and engineers performed best and so were the most “talented”, giving thankful support, for the concept of being “an expert”. The CEOs and MBAs were ineffective because of using the wrong strategies – this is simply the problem of throwing a bunch of talented people together without thinking of team composition or what is known as complementarity. The insightful observation from Tom was that when he added an executive assistant to the teams of CEOs, their performance increased dramatically. Why?

He noted that communication and moderation increased. So, having a coordinator and communicator helped complementarity, and improved synchrony, another important facet of team performance. The assistants effectively functioned as enablers – similar to what Battier was doing – not worrying about their statistical performance but enabling others to perform better through managing communication and presumably also conflict effectively.

This is also neatly complemented by research into intelligence and collective problem solving by Woolley and colleagues: in a set of structured experiments teams were given collective problems solving tasks – tasks that required the team to solve a problem collectively. The outcome was that the team with the average highest IQ i.e. team packed with “talent” did not perform best, nor did the team with the person with the highest IQ, the top performer condition. So, who came out on top? The team with the best communication abilities, ability to listen and complement and interact with other people’s ideas. This again supports the concept of communication and enabling as being key factors to team performance. Women are more than interested to know that also simply having women in the team improved performance (of course you women knew that all along, didn’t you)!

There is more to team performance, the above is in collective problem-solving scenarios, which is not necessarily what every team is mandated to do, though arguably will always be a part of any team’s performance. Some of the other factors are not the focus of this article (see box at end). In summary team performance is very strongly influenced by other factors such as having a clear team, having clear roles, and clear goals. When I review teams in organisations, normally, this is the first thing I look at, and more often than not, the first thing that is wrong.

team high performanceBut in the case of Battier and the marshmallow exercise these were already given: the team was clear and the team goals also. But an important aspect of the research, often glossed over, is that individual competence was a predictor of individual productivity, but inter-team support was a better predictor of team productivity. Simply put, helping others in the team enables the team to perform better. This also points to a word of warning to those arrogant high performers. Though they may individually perform well, the question is how much do they diminish the performance of others? In sales teams, which are often loosely bundled teams, arrogant high performers may do little damage and create a lot of profit, but for interdisciplinary teams looking to create new solutions, the team damage is likely to override their individual ability.

This, however, doesn’t lead us into any insights of how to actually identify these people or team dynamics – obviously the intuitive amongst us will already have identified this and may make better decisions on team fit and include this in hiring decisions. But some research (unpublished) we did on successful and failed teams in the startup space gives us some intriguing theories of team performance. This could also give us better analytics such as in the example of Battier that showed with standard analytics he was an underperformer but when using more refined methods he was an exceptional performer.

We only measured personality with a view in our first mandate to give some ideas of how well-matched startup teams were. The reason for our first piece of research into this was the acknowledged importance of the team in enabling startups to succeed but an inability or unwillingness to measure this. So, what did our research show?

First off, we looked at the concept of homophily. This is the concept that similar personalities get on well with each other. We set some cut-off points and first off, we could see that areas of conflict that we predicted with high variation in personality, was well-supported.

team high performanceHowever, there is a problem with this because of the two concepts I mentioned previously. Namely synchrony can be seen as how similar in personality, or mindset, individuals are, but complementarity is the concept of having differing but complementary skills or personality traits. These are seemingly contrasting aspects. Though many leaders proudly claim they have diverse teams, our research shows they are not as diverse as they like to think, because they may be similar in multiple aspects of personality. Before I digress too far, I am sure you are keen to learn of what else we discovered in personality and effective teams.

Well, we found that:

    • Similarity in personality predicted cohesion
    • Differences in personality were well accepted best when only in limited areas. So, the larger the differences, and the larger the number of traits that differed, the worse the team cohesion.
    • Extreme differences can cause conflict particularly when in multiple areas.
    • Polarisation was an important aspect of team conflict i.e. when two members were high in a trait and another very low.
    • Individualisation of polarisation – when a single person is an outlier it can lead to this person being left out, when it is multiple this person can be totally polarised.
    • Large variations, if evenly distributed, can lead to cohesion but slow decision making. So, the opposite of homophily when there is wide but nicely distributed spread there may be some underlying conflict, but everyone balances each other out. Complementarity in short
    • Mindset caused large disruptions. For example, we mapped team members to corporate mindset, based on traits that support classic corporate thinking, and startup mindset, and this was very predictive of conflict and team breakup in the startup scenarios.
    • Some traits seemed more predictive than others e.g. multiple personalities high on dominance was a recipe for conflict
    • Typing” (such as classic personality assessment humanistic vs. cognitive types) is too general and much less effective than including multiple different single traits

From this we developed a coherence figure including the above multiple inputs – but this can only be understood as a rough guide to team cohesion because a team has many moving parts. Roles, as we said, play a key importance and being effective in roles is critical for cohesion and conflict minimisation – we don’t measure this. Similarly, leadership and reporting structures will also guide potential for conflict.

What we also found, however, is that there are also moderating traits that minimise the risk of conflict. These includes, openness, and humour and those individuals who are high in intuition and high in cognition, helping to mitigate between these two contrasting viewpoints.

With the question of how to identify those average performers who enable high performance, let me show you what happens when we remove one person from a team.

Here you can see two teams along two separate personality traits (note that we measure up to 72 personality traits with our HBF tool – but normally only 28 for team cohesion). What you can see is a distribution of personalities along a scale. This team is therefore, based on this one trait, likely to differ significantly in how they approach problems and see the world but there are a range of personalities so there are those in the middle who will moderate others and act as communicators between the two. Decision-making may be slow but could be effective.

personality team performance

Team with balanced personality distribution

However, if we move one person out of the team, in each case the middle person, we now suddenly have a polarized team with two groupings and high and low ends of the scale. Polarisation was one of the biggest predictors in our data for team conflict. So, by removing one person from the team we have now created the potential for more conflict. This could therefore be the unspectacular performer who unbeknownst to others helps moderate conflict.

team high performance

Team with moderating personality removed and with increased polarisation

The level of polarisation in the above is not extreme, here another example from the real world with very high polarisation:

team high performance

A highly polarised team


So where does this leave us? Let me summarise

    1. A collection of talent or high performers does not make a high performing team
    2. Synchrony and complementarity are critical to team performance
    3. These can be measured and mapped but never are
    4. Communication skills are critical
    5. The team leader is responsible for managing this complementarity and synchrony
    6. Personality awareness can improve synchrony and complementarity
    7. Level of inter-team support is predictive of team performance
    8. Don’t forget the other obvious factors such as clear roles and clear goals

In short, when looking to build high-performing teams look to high synchrony and high complementarity (over, and with, “high talent”), measure this, build awareness, encourage open communication. And, food for another article another day,  you need a team leader who can manage and lead this effectively.

The corporate problem is that many organisations seem unaware of these team performance issues, still focusing on getting “talent” and measuring individual performance. A question to ask, is how to measure, and value team performers, and how do you reward those individuals who may be unspectacular but somehow keep the team rolling? A good start is to measure team cohesion but also to identify those who are the enablers in the team and have high inter-team behaviours – they may be worth a lot more than you think

Research into team performance

Research into team performance is long but notoriously difficult to research with so many moving parts in the real world. The military has provided the basis for a bunch of research because of their clear structure of teams and clear goals.

Some of the interesting and often underrated factors that come out of this research is: first off do you actually have a team? A team must be a coherent unit, stable overtime, have interdependences and have collective goals. Everyone agrees on that, but different researchers define them differently.

Similarly, the boring stuff is very important – clear roles and clear goals and the skills to perform the tasks. Nothing spectacular there but in modern matrixed global organisations, roles and responsibilities can become diffuse and large, with people wearing many hats.

Other more recent work that has become a main stock of team workshops has been the well-known work done by Google internally finding, to their surprise, but not to any psychologist or sociologist, that psychological safety was a key factor, as was leadership and particularly coaching by the team leader.

Context plays a role and the synchrony effect we speak about in the article is highest when teams have less well-defined roles and high interdependencies, but with less interdependencies and very structured roles, is less important. Similarly, synchrony has been shown to predict short-term success in entrepreneurial settings but complementarity, diversity, has been shown to be better for long-term success.

Using HBF to measure team cohesion

We specifically developed the HBF to measure team cohesion. Our report shows cohesion factors, blindspot risks where synchrony is high, but also friction risk where personality diversity is high. These are only potential risks, and managing them is up to the team. The report therefore provides a valuable way to frame this information and provide a basis to build awareness and discussions around how to improve team efficacy.

team cohesion

Detailed Mapping: Overview of how all team members map on each personality trait. You can identify moderators and enablers here.

And again: Overconfidently underthinking: narcissism negatively predicts cognitive reflection

This is the title of a 2020 paper relating cognitive reflection to other personality traits. This is well worth a read, but they measure multiple forms of cognition, reflection, various forms of narcissism, impulsiveness, and overconfidence. The big take away though was that those high in grandiose narcissism, claim to enjoy engaging in cognitive tasks, but are massively high on overconfidence, and show lower reflective abilities and insight.

So those arrogant individuals who have a high regard for themselves and their superiority will tend to fall into thinking traps more often but be overconfident in their abilities to avoid them and be unable to acknowledge and think through how they could have made a better decision. Many people in business reading this will be slowly nodding their heads having come across many people like this…

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J., and Risko, E. F. (2020). Overconfidently underthinking: narcissism negatively predicts cognitive reflection. Think. Reason. doi:10.1080/13546783.2019.1633404.

Andy Habermacher

Andy Habermacher

Andy is author of leading brains Review, Neuroleadership, and multiple other books. He has been intensively involved in writing and research into neuroleadership and is considered one of Europe’s leading experts. He is also a well-known public speaker speaking on the brain and human behaviour.

Andy is also a masters athlete (middle distance running) and competes regularly at international competitions (and holds a few national records in his age category).

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Homophily, Synchrony, and Complementarity

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